Quit Smoking Timeline

FREE CD Download

This audio recording will help you decide now, if and when you want to start this program.

Track 1: About Hypnosis

Track 2: Stress Relief (actual session)

Timeline of Benefits From Stopping Smoking


  1. 20 Minutes after quitting
    Your Blood pressure and pulse rate normalize.
  2. 8 Hours after quitting
    Carbon Monoxide (poison) levels in your blood are cut in half.
  3. 24 Hours after quitting
    Carbon Monoxide is completely eliminated from your body. Your lungs start to clear out.
  4. 48 Hours after quitting
    There is no nicotine left in your body.
  5. 2 – 21 Weeks after quitting
    Your circulation improves.
  6. 1 year after quitting
    Your heart attack risk falls to 50% that of a smoker.
  7. 10 years after quitting
    Lung cancer risk is reduced to 50% that of a smoker.
  8. 15 years after quitting
    Your heart attack risk equals that of someone who has never smoked.

It is never too late to quit. Call Today!


Hypnosis Frequently Asked Questions

Anyone with normal intelligence can be, but only if they want to be hypnotized. People who do not want to can not be hypnotized.